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Frequently Asked Questions

Most of technical issues have already been encountered by our community. Her are some solutions that work:

General tips

Update your graphic card drivers.

We had reports about some owners of AMD graphic cards that may have issues with the drivers. If you have an AMD Radeon R9 200 series 4 GB, do not use the driver 17.4.3 2, but downgrade it to a 16. versions.

Check the Steam files integrity to see if the game is well updated/installed without corrupt data.

  • Step 1: Open Steam, and go to “Steel Division: Normandy 44” (for example) in your Library
  • Step 2: Right-click on the name of the game on the list
  • Step 3: Go to “Local files” > “Verify the integrity of game files…

Technical issues

As a user of hybrid graphics, I am experimenting crashes.

  • Step 1: On your driver’s options, create a profile to launch the game high-performance GPU every time you start it.
  • Put your computer’s power option as “balanced” or “high performance”. Using “battery saving” might be the root of crash and lag.
  • If allowed by your computer, launch the game by making a right click on the game’s icon then choose the GPU.

Where can I find my replay files?

  • Solution: Replays (.rpl3 files) can be found in the Your_Steam_directory\userdata\Your_Steam_ID\572410\remote directory.

I have connexion and stability problems in multiplayer.

  • Solution: Restart your PC, make sure Steeldivision.exe is whitelisted in your firewall and relaunch the game.

I receive a 'Content file locked' error.

  • Solution: Erase your .exe file and restart the game. It should run properly.

I have a 'Missing File Privileges' error.

  • Solution: Uninstall the game from your Steam library, reboot your computer, run Steam as administrator and reinstall Steel Division: Normandy 44 in safe mode.

My computer is above the recommended system requirements but I can't play on High/Insane presets.

  • Solution n°1: If you play on a laptop, check that the adapter that run the game is the good one between your integrated chipset and your external graphic card in your Video options.

Steel Division: Normandy 44 - FAQ Adapter

  • Solution n°2: If you have two graphic cards in SLI/Crossfire, deactivate the SLI configuration.
  1. On Nvidia cards, go to the Nvidia Control Panel, and click on “Do not use SLI technology” in the “3D settings” menu.
  2. On AMD cards, you can configure the Crossfire for Steel Division: Normandy 44 following this process. Once deactivated, delete your “Option.ini” file located in C:\users\\Saved Games\EugenSystems\SteelDivision.

My game doesn't launch (error 0xc000007b).

  • Solution n°2: If you already have Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable (x64), uninstall it from your computer and install it again properly. You can find the packages on Microsoft official site.
  • Solution n°3: If you are under Windows 7, install also Windows 7 Service Pack 1 on Microsoft official support.

My game crashes after changing the graphic options / I received the 'could not (re)init Graphic device' error.

  • Solution n°1: You can change the graphic options but DO NOT TOUCH the Shader Quality and Terrain Resolution settings in the game for now. For these two options, you can try to change it in your Option.ini file located in C:\Users\USERNAME\Saved Games\EugenSystems\SteelDivision. “ShaderQuality = 3” is low, “ShaderQuality = 2” is medium, “ShaderQuality = 1” is high and “ShaderQuality” = 0 is very high.
  • Solution n°2: If your game crashes when you change the Resolution, open the Option.ini file located in C:\Users\USERNAME\Saved Games\EugenSystems\SteelDivision and modify the values : “DefaultResolutionX =” and “DefaultResolutionY =” with the resolution that you want. Save the file and start the game again.
  • Solution n°3: If your game crashes when you change the Windows Types, open the Option.ini file located in C:\Users\USERNAME\Saved Games\EugenSystems\SteelDivision and change the value “WindowFormStyle = 1″ for Fullscreen and “WindowFormStyle = 2” for Windowed Fullscreen. Save the file and start the game again.
  • Solution n°4: When you see the prompt suggesting to use the last working configuration after a crash, answer “No”. The game should then use the right options.
  • Solution n°5: In your Video Options, check the Hardware Instancing, and change it by using the “No Instancing” option. If the game crashes, change the content in “LastKnowGoodOptions.ini” (in the same file), and say “Yes” to load the last good configuration, with your own preset.

My game crashes every time I launch it. I receive the “Game did not terminate properly” message.

Most of the time, it’s a compatibility problem with another program on your computer.

  • Solution n°1: If you have an AMD card, deactivate or uninstall the Raptr Gaming Evolved software and restart your computer.
  • Solution n°2: Verify that your antivirus software doesn’t block Steel Division: Normandy 44. If you use Avast Internet Security, deactivate it.
  • Solution n°3: If you use Visual Studio Community 2017 uninstall this software, for Play TV or IIS 10 Express, deactivate it.

My game doesn’t launch (error 0xc000007b).

  • Solution n°2: If you already have Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable (x64), uninstall it from your computer and install it again properly. You can find the packages on Microsoft official site.
  • Solution n°3: If you are under Windows 7, install also Windows 7 Service Pack 1 on Microsoft official support.

Get some help!

If you’re still stuck, don’t hesitate to contact our support team or ask your question to the community